Wednesday, November 16, 2011

It's official--I am old

Jasmine greeting the kids getting off the bus--Isaac's first official day is over!
My last little tyke started school yesterday.  Isaac was able to start Kindergarten early.  His first day was yesterday.  He did pretty good--just had a few "I miss my Mommy" moments.   I had a few I miss kids moments.

 I did enjoy being able to do so many things without interruptions.   I even went to Walmart for about 2 hours and did not even browse the toy section!  The house was rather quiet.  I have had the music on almost all morning while I cook and clean.  I guess now I will have some time to volunteer at a few places I have wanted to and sew and "gourd" all I want without a little helper sewer and painter.
After having little children home for the past 16 years it will definitely take some getting used to.  I think it has already made me appreciate having my kids at home more when I do.  I do so love being a Mom!!

I am so very grateful that I have always been able to stay home and be a full-time mom.  I love the Lord for blessing me so greatly.  I love my husband who has supported our family financially and me emotionally.  I love my kids who are willing to go without some of the "worldly" goods their friends have so that I could stay home and be a Mom.

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