Thursday, May 26, 2011

All Things Bright and Beautiful

 I am so thankful to have been blessed with this beautiful place I have to live and share with my kids and husband.  I love going on walks around the place.  You never know what your going to see.  On Monday Isaac and I were over working in the garden.  As we were walking back to the house the dog started barking.  I couldn't see anything and wondered what she was barking at.  As we got closer I could see this big snapping turtle.  It's shell was a little over a foot long--no wonder the dog was barking.  Thankfully she knew to stay back a little ways.  The turtle was right next to the driveway by the front walk.  It was so cool!

Then this morning, as Brett was leaving for work, this wild turkey was out on the fence in front of the house.  He has been hanging around for a couple weeks.  It is such a blessing to see so many of God's creations on a regular basis.
I truly have been so very blessed.

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