Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I do not have any pictures of our chickens but I will take some and post them later. We had two pairs of bantam/old english that we just let roam the farm, but a couple of weeks ago one of the hens disappeared. I am sure she made a fine lunch for some predator. She was just plain black. We had her paired with a really beautiful, but noisy and cocky, rooster with blue and silver plummage. The other two--he is a pretty average bantum rooster and she is kind of off white--I am not sure of her exact breed.
Anyway. On with the chickens in the coop.
We have a rooster and four hens that are Dominques. They are what is called a dual purpose breed which means they are good for meat and eggs. The other seven are Golden Comets. Which are a sex-linked hybrid made especially for egg production. This means they lay lots of good eggs, but do not get as big or have as large of breasts--which is more desirable in meat chickens. Being sex-linked means that when they are born you can tell the difference between the females and males because they are a different color, but because they are a hybrid, if you incubate their eggs you will not get a Golden Comet. We will have to see what you do get--especially if they will cross with a Dominques--since we are incubating 24 eggs right now and about half are from the Golden Comets. So in a bout 19 days we hopefully will have some little chicks.
We get about 8-10 eggs a day and about 4-5 a week of extra large double yolkers. Whenever Isaac, my four year old, brings one in he wants to eat it for lunch or breakfast--just depending on the time of day. Good thing he is too young to have to worry about cholesterol.

This is a good website for learning all about chickens.

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